Rejuvinate Your Aging Face

Understanding what happens to your face as you age can help you determine what steps to take to reduce the signs. Your face starts to change at around 30 years of age and it is all downhill from there. First, your bone structure shifts downward. Then, your facial muscles and Velvet Skincare facial scrubs skin begin slowly falling off the bone. Your skin loses moisture and the dead skin cells fall off at a much slower rate than when you were younger. These factors produce the signs of aging in every area of your face and neck.

Your eyes look tired and dark circles begin to form under them. Your cheeks deflate from the decrease in collagen production. Your nose can drop and sag as the cartilage shifts. Wrinkles begin to appear, along with fine lines. Your lips lose volume and the corners droop, giving you frown lines. As the muscle continues to fall off the bone, deep creases form on your forehead. Sagging skin collects at your neck and flab sets in at this point. This progression happens quickly for some and slower for others, depending on your lifestyle and genetics. You can delay these signs of aging and reduce them with proper skin care.

The first thing you need to do is exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. A face serum or a face mask can help you here. Exfoliating does far more than just get rid of dead skin cells. It improves overall skin tone, reduces fine lines, and reduces the signs of sun damage. It also improves the results of facial products by allowing them to get into deeper layers of your skin. Exfoliating can be done with peels, serums, a gentle scrub brush, and soap and water. Some product lines, like Velvet Skincare, for example, include exfoliating washes and creams for your face and neck.

Replenishing the collagen in your face is the next thing you want to do. You can do that naturally with a diet high in amino acids and vitamin C. You can apply homemade face masks, washes, and moisturizers. Recipes are available all over the Internet. You can take oral supplements to help keep the muscles firm. You can also use a skin cream or anti aging serum with collagen and antioxidants. The collagen helps the body renew skin cells and the antioxidants protect your face from pollutants and weather elements. Regular exercise also helps because it increases blood flow and supports the circulatory system.